About Mesa3D.org

This website consist of three parts:

  1. www.mesa3d.org: This is the landing-site for the Mesa3D project. It contains some introductory information about the project, but consists mostly of links elsewhere.

    It’s maintained as a Hugo website, and its source-code can be found here.

  2. docs.mesa3d.org: This is the technical documentation for the current version of Mesa3D. It consists of a lot more in-depth information about how Mesa3D works, and how to use it.

    It’s maintained as a set of Sphinx documentation, and it’s source code can be found in the doc/ folder of the main mesa repository.

  3. archive.mesa3d.org: This is the archive of releases of Mesa3D. This hosts the tarballs of all Mesa3D releases.

If you want to do changes to either of the first two sites, please submit a merge-request to the respective repository.